Il était une fois PORT GRIMAUD par Yves LHERMITTE


History of the book cover

Vartan BERBERIAN       In August 2005, Vartan came to see me to ask me if I would be willing to take a photo of a fig tree to illustrate the front page of his book. One morning he took me to the home of the former director Jean Pierre OGEDA, to whom he had given a shoot from his father's fig tree. But stuck between a wall and a garage, this emotionally symbolic tree was very difficult to photograph and unfortunately could not illustrate the cover of the book...

      After searching all over the region, I finally found, in the middle of a garden at the entrance of Saint Tropez, a pretty fig tree...
      After having cut it out with Photoshop, to erase all the environment of the fig tree and keep only the tree...

Le figuier de mon pere Vartan Berberian
...I stuck it on a slightly cloudy blue sky, taken from the beach of l'Escalet...

      Then from this montage, the publisher's graphic designer cropped the image, added a foot, some sky and finalized the cover with the title and the border... Vartan Berbérian

Le figuier de mon pere

And here is the final cover with a pretty Tropezian fig tree on a ramatuellois sky...

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